Monday, January 5, 2015

Art : Off the walls

I've recently acquired several new pieces of art and have also recently moved into a new house (yay!). I've slowly been hanging pieces, moving them around, trying to find the perfect section of wall for them to live. 

Have you ever noticed that artwork tends to know where it wants to be, if you take a while and let it tell you?

Several of my pieces have decided that they just don't want to be hung on the walls. They are perfectly happy sitting on ledges, cabinets and on floors. I'm a casual person and it just seems to work!

I've you've always had your art on the wall, I hope these images below will give you some ideas on how your own pieces might feel in new locations.

A console or credenza can be a great place to prop up a piece of art. 


I am always a fan of layering art in front of each other. Make sure yours has a common theme such as frame style, matt color, etc.


You can always hang some art and prop up others. The single resting piece becomes more of an accessory and can be moved and changed as needed.


Another great way to display art is on wall ledges. This would allow for a revolving collection, which is always nice if you have an abundance of pieces. 


I love India Hicks' style and I love her gallery wall. She made a comment with this picture "Family, friends & relatives. And when they annoy us, we move them to the back."


Adding trinkets and display items can really tell a whole story.


For the bohemian in all of as, you can always simply rest your art on the floor. *Swoon*


Want to see more? Come see our Pinterest board with more ideas and pictures.

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